Monday, November 23, 2009

Lend me a day to rub away your sorrows

Denim jacket:Gift from mom,Cotton On
Oversized tee:From boyfriend's closet
Tights:random store in town
Necklace:random/swap with Glisters and Blisters
Headpiece:custom made,60centsleft
Boots:Doc Martens

Excuse and sorry for the blurry photos on some of them.
I guessed my settings on the camera went wrong.
And I didn't know about it until I've already changed out of my clothes.
So ohh well,do bear with it for today.

I finally found my off denim blue jacket!
And the weirdest place to find something so beautiful again.
I got it at Cotton On,funny huh ?
Mom got it for me,so thanks a lot mommy~

Can't get enough of my headpiece still.
Its pretty easy to match with outfits,even though people do stare when I
wear it out.
But its okay,just let them stare.

This week is going to be short one,as it ends on Thursday.
There's a public holiday on Friday so its a long weekend.
But I know for many of you,its going to be Thanksgiving!
I can just think of the huge gatherings and all those food.

It will be extra fun then to check out all your blogs.

Don't forget to enter the Sew Delish's Stella Ring giveaway here.


Anonymous said...

i love the colour of your tights. it's cool!

miriam said...

i quite like the blurriness!

FashionHippieLoves said...

your headpiece is really great... Love it!!


Jocelynne said...

Girl, everyone stares because you look great! Soo much amazing in one outfit - the colour of the tights, the headpiece, the boots!

michelle_ said...

sorry that i didnt read ur tweet on time ! :( could've helped youu..
something wrong went with my uberTwitter on my bb so yeah.. i wasnt updated with all the tweets :(

anyway . its so funny that cotton on has those kinds of goods ! i though that shop only had printed tees and tanks and shortts..hhaha..

and u wore the necklace i gave you ! huhuhu,. did u read the mystery mail ? :)

love the matching lips with those tights as well !

you awesome as always !

actually i love the shea butter jergens also . i just alternate between the alove vera and shea.. the shea one makes me feel as if im eating chocolate . plus my dog tends to ALWAYS lick me after i put on jergens lotion . no idea why . hahaha.. maybe its delicious ?

yeah short weekdays !
i love it when there's a friday holiday :)

donna said...

I love your tights! Groovy, baby! And your nails, too!

Man, I miss having long hair. =(

Chantele Cross-Jones said...

Love the fun coloured tights!

Lauretha Sudjono said...

my lovely ay! your headpiece is a lovely item. you look like a mid east dancer.. or cleopatra. teehee.. =)). i'm loving your denim jacket as well. smoochies for the day! i love you. <33333

Liya said...

this whole outfit is one i need asap
gorg gorg gorg gorg
you look great dear!

Bubu said...

Nice gloss and nail varnish, thank you my friend!!!!!

Sher said...

Lovely that you wear your headpiece out again, people only stare because you're so fashion forward darling!

And I love your pink lipstick dear! It's so gorgeous! Is it new? Well, I think it looks really pretty on you! YOu must wear it out more often:)


TMFA said...

Great outfit, love your tights and its colour!


What an amazing outfit! I loooove it!

Yeah, I saw your video interview the other day when I just made mine! So I was curious to see how the other girls did it! And suddenly I saw that you did a video too so I was like "I HAVE TO SEE THAT ONE!!!"!! You did great and you have to be such a cool&sweet girl!

The styling you did with the tee for continued is awesome! But I don;t really get the project because you are the first one with that tee right? But two other girls have to style it as well and after everyone have to vote. But howcome you are still the only one who styled it? or am I just blind hahaha

Maddie said...

the T and headband are both my favourite, looking great!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic tights!! OOh and I LOVE the color of your nail polish. You look so cute!!


Anonymous said...

I love the nail color! the tiger necklace and the headband. your too cute :)

MAGDArling said...

ahh;D i love ur jacket;))) perfection<3

Fika said...

I really love your denim jacket dearr !!
and yess,,the headpiece is amazing..agree with Myrrh Goldframe, you look like cleopatra :D..hehe you still kept the flower that your BF gave you when you two started dating?? greaaat!!! hope you two will always be together forever :) :)

anw,,I just made a new twitter acc only for blogger friends, so you don't have to read my tweet in Bahasa that I'm sure you won't understand :p..I already follow your from the new tweet.. pls follow @FikaSweetEscape ;)

street angel said...

Great outfit..I love the color of your tights and your headpiece! xoxo ava

Annachiara Savio said...

loooooove you darling :-) wonderfull outfit!!!as always :-) you're favolos!!!!love your outfit!!!!love your hair :-) thanks for your wonderfull comments my love!!!!!! :-) :-)
love youuuuuu

Iulia Romana said...

:D The nails are killing me ! And the headband !

Melissa~ said...

I looove long weekends.
Love the color of your nails and your oversize t-shirt.
Thanks for your comment, KIsses <3

Barbro Andersen said...

Haha, I see that others are faster than me - but I'll say it either way: love the color of your tights :D

FrouFrouu said...

Hey lady, how goes it? That headpiece is GORGEOUS, so jealous ahaha. ALso loving the lip colour on you, super pretty :)

Kira Aderne said...

Love the hair again so much and also the lips and tights matching!!

You are terrific!

Dylana Suarez said...

Your headpiece is divine! i have never seen anything like it before. Really love it! And those tights are awesome! Perfect color!

Shantee said...

ahh, i love how u paired the outfit with the maroon tights. so unexpected :)
i did DIY a headpiece like that before and i love ittt but i havent worn it out yet because i know i will be getting stares lol

and i didnt know u baked cookies too! what a coincidence! i wish i was in Sg! i wanna try those cookies. they look delish :D

lastly, the tag looks fun! will do it soon. huggss

rebecca said...

i love having a long weekend! i had thursday and friday off last week and i swear i was a much happier person all through the week coz i knew i had from wednesday to monday!! utter heaven! enjoy! x

rebecca said...

i love having a long weekend! i had thursday and friday off last week and i swear i was a much happier person all through the week coz i knew i had from wednesday to monday!! utter heaven! enjoy! x

Flashes of Style said...

Oooh You are looking amazing! I absolutely love your tights :)

Starr Crow said...

hello dear! it's been another long work week for me, so sorry i haven't been able to visit.

i wouldn't be able to put down that headpiece either, pretty sure you've inspired me to go find one or to make one. it's so dang cute i just need something similar! those tights really make this look...soooo cute! oh and do know, if people stare it's usually cuz they love it. i find myself staring at looks that i adore too!

ak said...

in love with the tights and head piece

The Poor Little Rich Girls said...

cute outfit.
Love, The poor Little Rich Girl's.x

Magdalena said...

Dear, your style is so unique and I love it so much!!! Aaawwww!!! Your headpiece is so stunning :)) And I also love your denim jacket. But I'm absolutely in love with your nailpolish - where did you get it?
Kisses from Germany :*


Great outfit, girrrrl. I love tights (um obviously) so much and yours are fantastic! Also, I LOVE YOUR NAILPOLISH. I have an infatuation with all things bright nail polish, and yours remind me of fantastic little smiley faces!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Penny said...

That headpiece is pretty gorgeous, and I love the color of the tights! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!

Patty Ann said...

i love this outfit on you. the colored tights are awesome, i really like how the baby blue and magenta tights relaly go together. also, what holiday is it??? we have thanksgiving this week in the us too, and i have thurs and friday off (very long weekend yay!!)

Kristin said...

Your head piece is to die for! I loooove it!

Unknown said...

Your legs look amazing in those tights.. Damn girl you always look so cool!! I just love the headpiece too!

Wow.. The sydney girl:) i love her blog she's amazing! A meet up would be perfection!

stylefrontier said...

very nice mix and match!
love the pink shades of the lips too

Ljubica said...

gorgeous headpiece.. and i love that lipstick colour!!

Moomby said...

love the headpiece. it looks amazing on you

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Great jacket!

Goodle. said...

Love the bomber jacket look thrown over a tshirt!! But especially love the bright nails peeking out :) i have really similiar nailpolish.. it just brightens up your day doesnt it? :D

Goodle x

Anonymous said...

love the necklaces! and your lip color is really cool. the head harness thing is so amazing!

Anonymous said...

Just be like "WTH you looking at you MONKEY FACES!!" hahahaha

Yeah, I have a long week too! BOOO!!!

Woods said...

i love it you have alittle bit of hippie in you lol and i love the jacket alot actually!

Fian said...

i just love the headband too much!

and absolutely your tights..
the color is soo cool!

i just give you the tag,,just chack it ya..

Unknown said...

really cute headpiece. you carried it well.

I Am Denise Katipunera

Nora the Explorer said...

love the head piece :)

Closet Full of Nothing said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the headpiece!! you look fab :)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous tights and nail polish. Im definitely following your blog.

The Petite Sisters said...

Yea many clothes may not appear to be very wearable when you first bought it, but as time goes by you will realise that it has some special attraction to you and you will keep wearing it! hahahah~ i always dig out forgotten pieces from the bottom of my closet too! :P

Nice headpiece and tights! And so envy that it's gonna be a short week for you! :)

Cheers, Trish

Noble Beeyotch said...

the maroon tights are so cool...they go perfectly with your cool denim jacket....and i love the vintage-y feel of your pics!

Blue is in Fashion this Year said...

You're on my blog! :)

FashionJazz said...

Hello sweetness, I luv the colour of your tights!! U look gorgeous as always and I cant get enogh of that headpiece! : ) xx

Maria Confer said...

I am so in love with your headpiece!! It's so stunning.

You look like a princess.

Love your tights too.

Anonymous said...

love your scarf & lipgloss

valncami said...

looking amazing and cute as usual! love your headband thingy :) haha

xo, camilla


Love the headpiece on you and the color of those tights =)

Sweets and Hearts said...

RED tights!!! i love it! it's one of the colors i haven't gotten yet hehe.

the headpiece is really interesting. i haven't seen anything like it before! people are only staring at you because they're jealous. ;]

that's right. just let them stare! haha.

and yay! you have a long weekend too! unfortunately, i will be writing papers in between eating. :(

but yessss don't worry. i will eat enough for me *and* for you on thanksgiving.

i always do.
(every day! haha)
