Velvet dress:no brand,random store in town

Was thinking to do a remix with this dress.
Really simple items pieced together for an outfit.
But I do think its still weird here.
I don't know,but my sister says I'm over reacting! heeeee
Ohhhh,the very last photo came unexpectedly nice!
Love the blur effect it had.
Meet with my love today for a meal:)
Always so sweet.
I'm really so thankful for him in my life.
Really so so happy its Friday tomorrow!
The weekend,everyone screammm~
A time to rest well again,don't worry.
I'll still be here blogging.
Lastly,a question here !
What do you want to see more from this blog,Rollupyoursleeve.
Anything at all,just let me know:)
The more random,the better!
FAVOLOUS outfit...really magnific...and the sandals are superfavolous :-)
love your hair:))and thanks for your lovely comments dear:))
LOVE LOVE LOVE your shoes!
love the biker jacket ! well,i'd like to see mabye some diy stuff and some runway photo mabye
but your blog is cool even without
them !
love the biker jacket and the shoes! you could do a lot of different things with this dress! the possibilities are endless.
would love to see more animal photos and DIY projects, but I love your blog the way it is!
I adore the biker jacket coupled with this dress. Looks so well and those shoes are just fab! I love your blog the way it is, but I'm sure i will also love what ever else you decide to do with it! xo
LOVE your shoes!
your jacket is sooo cute too, what a fantastic gift...that sister is definitely a keeper! :)
Thaaank uu- again ! ;D
Well, it was ok- the movie The Invention Of Lying. Not the best movie I've seen hehe. kinda booring, but funny a few times hehe
love the shoees
CVool outfit like always!!
I'll love to know about music that you like, from your country for example.
Kisses valencia!
thanks for visit my blog!
Gorgeous outfit! I love the heelss (:
i looooooove your shoes!
Thank you so much :)
I loove your shoes too!
luv your shoes soo...cuteee
Lovin' that leather jacket my dear :-) Great effect with that last photo, too.
I love your jacket..and shoes!!!
You look fab! Love the shoes<3
The jackets is perfect and the shoes too!Xoxo
I love what you're already doing. Just keep the outfit posts coming!!
Two of my fave things: leather and velvet.
hi hi darling =)
thx for the msg you left me. its encouraging to receive esp when my mind is still on vacation. hehe. love ur biker jacket. im still lookin for one but im so picky. i think your entries are great esp your outfit post so i dont really know what u can add more of ♥
Nice rockish style!
Amazinggggg jacket. I love it! Goes so well with your shoes! And I'm so happy about the weekend! And it's a long weekend here, in Canada! Hurrah, hurrah!
Also, as for your blog, nothing I'd change! I love your outfit posts!
Thanks so much for stopping by! Flying planes sounds so cool!
The biker's jacket immediately gives that rock 'n roll feeling!
Great jacket, love it! It's perfect for fall!
i like the shoes a lot!
jacket : PERFECT!!
and i love your shoes hon..
V! thank you for your very sweet comment. yeah sorry, i've been quite busy and my internet just sucks... i see that you're looking good as per usual!
love the jacket. the jacket is LOOVE.:)
the biker jacket is sweet! ilove it
i'm loving the heels
I looove the leather jacket! Tres badgirl.
I do not really know how. who made the print of the photo was my boyfriend. he knows how to use photoshop and these computer programs. in fact for him is easy, but I never learn; x haha
very stylish
i am lazy and havent gone back to look at the comment you left but i will in a moment
but i love those shoes i need them. and point me in the direction of a really great leather jacket.. i need to own one so badly.
& i like seein what you post on your blog , how about you surprise us.. ! i wonder if people like my blog i never know
ooooo la la la la
sweet outfit
velvet dresses are TO DIE FOR
and i donno girl, i totally love your blog as is! :)
ohhh I just love that jacket and your shoes!!!
hot shoes!
hahhaha ! yes I spot the topshop shoes!!!!!
Your my package target for next week!! heehee.... What do you want? ahahhaha... send you some mooncakes. I have a surplus. kidding. ahahha
I want to see your love.
and more booooobssssssssss!
All my accessories are made by my friend. She ships them to me from thailand. All one of a kind. All my friends in hk are going crazy. I just got the new shipment yesterday, haven't had time to post it up and 3/4 of it is sold out!!! check it out on my blog later and let me know if you want anyyyyyyy! it's an editor pick becuase it's super affordable and well-made thai silver.
what's your emmmmmmmmail? email me valeriedv88@msn.com
May I steal your jacket and your heels? Thanks! Haha just kidding! Love the outfit
Your shoes are so hot girl!!! And you're rocking the leather jacket look. I love your blog just the way it is, keep up the outfit posting :D
Thank you so much for your kind words about my blog changes. You're always so lovely and it's a pleasure reading both your comments and blog! x
Really luv ur outfit hun, stunning shoes!! Thanks for ur comment, I was feeling a bit down- prob stress and u made me feel much betta! Have a lovely wknd! xx
je adore ur fabulous shoes and really love ur black leather jacket,.i ready bought it into mall but i didnt got it as a small size :(
nice shoes
Eek i adore velvet dresses! lovely look :)
i love your jacket and shoes ! is topshop expensive there ? because it's so expensive here . :( you look great !
yay for friday ! i love friday . and weekends of course . haha .
and i'd love to see your outfits more ! you always look great ! :D
i so want a motorcycle jacket
like ur leather jacket . every leather jacket is special to me.. even if they look similar, they all have their own "personality" u kno.. like its all based on how u wear it stuff.. the leather usually cracks and looks even more vintagy and beautiful :)
I'd like to see a layout change from you :) a new layout can make blogging more fun u kno..
i love how you do outfit posts nearly every day. and i really like how you talk about what you did in your day. i'm a bit boring so i don't say that much haha
you write very well, and it's always interesting to read.
i can't think of anything you should add... i always love what you blog about.
omgggggggg your blog is the best
i always find so much inspiration
whether its your style
or your q&a posts
or your exchanges
so much fun, and always exciting!!
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