Accessories:All new + old
Headband:won in a giveaway,gla.MAR.ous
My bangs they have gotten so long
that I hid in the office toilet today to trim them.
And it was so much better,no more pricking into my eyes.
I love this dress with the color blocking at the bottom.
Its really so beautiful,one of my favorite dresses.
I paired it with my new sequins zipper headband
which I won awhile back on a blog giveaway!!
It arrived on Saturday and I wore it out today.
Lots of people complimented on it,so it must be pretty:)
You can purchase the one that I have on,called Pamela at gla.MAR.ous
Thanks so much to Nubia from Nubiasnonsense too.
Head on down and when you checkout,do remember to enter NN126 to receive 10% off your purchase!!
Some of you also asked about my dog.
He has a unique name,Dollar.(named by his previous owner)
We had him since he was 5years old,he's 12 now.
I love him so very much.
A HUGE THANK YOU to all my 73 followers,including those lovely comments.
Wow,more and more people are reading.
I do hope that number grows.
Thanks again!
A 2nd blog giveaway coming up in a few days' time:)
Lastly,The handbag Amnesty Celebrity Auctions starts today!
Please do give your support and head down to help spread the word.
More details here!
Plus the exciting Dear Diary 5 Day blogging event in hope of raising awareness of the importance of regular cervical smear testing.
Details in my previous post,just scroll down and do add the button in support of it :)

what a nice headpiece do you got..you're so lucky girl!!
anw,,wanna exchange link? :)
I'll link you after I write this comment :)..
woooh,.awesome ur belt nd the accesories ,.cool gladiator :))
Hi there, thanks sooo much for your support of this event!Sharon, please enter our shoe competition, fingers crossed for you! Sharon xx
Hi there, please do email, me with your shoe photo as well, its sharonstyle@fsmail.net good luck! Sharon xx
Your dress is amazing. And you look like a glam gypsy girl in it ♡
wow, the headband is gorgeous! I love your dog. More photos of you with your dog would be really cool =) So sweet!
hahah... you should come to hong kong, it's super fun!!
I just got done styling the photoshoots and spending so much time doing that!
I would like to explore singapore more! so you will plan an amazing schedule.
my job has it's perks, meeting lots of industry people and freebies!! yay!
The blog is pretty exciting! help me spread the world in singapore so we can throw a red bull party there! yayayaya!
I love your dress today! it's super cute!!
How was your weekend?
how lovely, you look so adorable :) i have the same headband as you! much love <3
Oh you always have the best vintage dresses! And the headpiece is truly stunning, you're such a lucky girl!!
Aww, Dollar is so cute and adorable, I wanna pat his head:)
Gorgeous photos, you hairband is amazing! Love the embellishment.
Oh and that dog is super cute ;)
Love your outfit!
So super cute!
And a massive thanks for being the first follower on my new blog!
It's so great that you love the idea too!
Yeah it's open to anyone from all over the world!
Keep an eye out as the first item will be going up soon!
Thanks for your support!
Beautiful headband!LOVE your dog
I love that you wore the dress wit sandals :) I need to wear sandals soon to show off my toe nails ^^ Meet up next week!!
OWW I love your belt , i search the same !I love dogs ! They are so cuteee !!! You love dogs ?
Thank u for your comment, it's nice !
(sorry but i'm french, my english is not perfect :s but it's not a problem to appreciate your outfits ! :) )
so pretty and colorful! xx
This is another gorgeous outfit. I love your vintage dress and the head band is so cute! Dollar looks realy sweet as well.xo
Love the dress!!
thank you !! yes I have an obsession with going to concerts nowadays ! its so much fun, and I looove these guys ! :D
omg what an amazing dress ! Really nice and oh my what a cute dog !!! :)
beautiful dress! and wow red hair isn't a regular colour to dye your hair in, whenever you have a black hairdo! very cool. I don't know when I'm gonna dye it yet, for now I'm pretty satisfied with my white-blondish-ness as well :P but my daddy says that my hair will turn darker over the years, just like his.. we'll see :>
and yes I have a lot of asian friends..! even the boyfriend is a Canto hahah
Thank you for your lovely comment. You are so cool and I love your style. You look especially pretty in that outfit.
Dollar your dog is just adorable- so so sweet! All I really want in life is a dog but we can't get one in our current flat.
Polly x
the dress is so pretty!
got my jab today
i like your blog ♥
Cute outfit girl! Love it!
hi beautiful! you look wonderful in that pretty dress!!! and your pom is so so cute!!! <3 back to workkkk! xxx
i love your long dress. the hair clip is a lovely touch. very island inspired.
Oh my gosh! I love love love your dress! It's gorg.
nice blue! :)
I love the waves the dress makes! Because it's blue it also reminds me of ocean waves.
Thanks so much for posting the button and spreading the love!!!
Your dress is so lovely with the belt and I love your hairpiece.
I've never try with a long dress. I don't know why:)
Looks awesome in you BTW!
Thanks for visit my blog, always!
that hair clip ... <3
the color of your dress... <3 <3
your cute little pup <3 <3 <3
love it all!
That dress is gorgeous - even more so how you belted it! And your dog is ADORABLE!
I am loving your style. And this lil dog is so adorable!!!!!!
Oh i love that headband, anything sparkly and in the hair these days is a must!
oooo that headpieceeeeeeeeee
and very unique dress
looks amazing
The headband looks great on you! I absolutely love your story about hiding in the bathroom and trimming your bangs!!! That is awesome!
I love the color of that dress! I also know what you mean about bangs, I can't stand to have them in my face.
you are too cute. i how you mix and match everything. diggin that belt! and your dog is so precious. way too cute!!!!
That hairclip is so pretty!
cuteeee dress!!!
and omgggg
i want to pet your doggie
omggg he's 12???
he looks like a puppy
so fluffy!
Thankyou for the commentsss :) I love the dress, th e whole outfit! Headband is gorgeouss x
love the long dress! i need more of these.
oh your dogs are so adorable, and that colour dress looks so beautiful on you ♥
Hi there V,we have received your shoe entry, thanks for stopping by My Passport to Style and for all your fabulous support of this 5 day event! Still time for others to enter over @ My Passport to Style, please keep up the great work and spread the word and the button on twitter,FB,Friends Connect and among the blogging community! Sharon xxxx
love the dress! very nice and colourful. Cute doggy!
I do too :) Unfortunately I don't have the nose piercing anymore, I managed to rip it out in my sleep :( I think I had it for 3 months or something
I love that outfit! Great use of colours xxx loving theblog also xx
love the headband, cannot wait for my give away present :D !!! Heee ( valneciastyle lol)
i love this dress on you.
what a scoured on ebay ha.
your pet is soo cuteeee!
I love your headpiece!!
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