Scarf:Alexander Mcqueen,borrowed from sister
Weaved headband:Diva
Sunglasses:h&m,gift from sister

Weekends are always harder for me to use
the computer or to reply to everyone's comments.
Really sorry about that.
As its always spending more time with outings
and loved ones.
But as tomrrow is a holiday(due to Hari Raya)
There going be no work ! Woooo
I'm so glad to have another day of rest.
If people were to ask me,which is my favourite era ?
One of them wouls have to be the 60s.
Hippie style. Something that I really love.
This vintage romper I bought quite awhile back.
I love the details on the sleeves and that it's actually
from Saks Fifth Ave!
Today is going to be a day of watching mini race cars on the tracks.
My boyfriend is going to let his cars run and we do hope
we hit the jackpot and win 1st prize !
Wish us luck :)
And don't forget to enter 1st blog giveaway(see post below)
Fabulous fabulous outfit! I love it soo much, you can definitely pull off that headband. The romper is also really cute. :) x
Cute dress!
Super cute romper! I totally agree, the 60's must have been an incredible era to live in.
Have fun on your weekends! Don't worry about the blog! I love your scarf with the dress!
good luuuuck! hope you guys win!
you look fabulous as always Valencia! hope you're enjoying your weekend! MWA BIG HUGS XXX
Look outfit. Looks like lots of fun to wear!
I love the scarf!
Looking great! Beautiful outfit, i love that scarf and those sandals, looks perfect on u! I so want a Alexander Mcqueen scarf!
Love your scarf :)
I also love the hippie style so much!!! <3
Don't worry about answering, I think we all are so busy, just enjoy your time! :)
xx from Madrid:)
Seeing you on wed yes? Love your scarf!!
that romper is uber cuteee! and i love how ur pics always look so happy :D makes me happy! hahah
Really cute romper! Also love the scarf :)
I looooove the 60's too!
Is the best,with fashion changes, Woman rights changes, etc. I love it.
I love your sister's Alexander Mcqueen scarf.
sorry i haven't been around!!! ahhh been so busy! sooooo i love headbands like the one you are wearing...i wonder if there is another name for this type of headband, because i always think of the blair waldorf kind when i use the word headband.. yours looks very bohemian! i like! especially with your long hair!!! it looks so pretty
and good thing you did the close up picture! i like to see the details!
what is hari raya?
good luck at the mini race cars! are those like remote controlled cars? do people bet on who will win?
you look absolutley stunning lady, i love this look, the dress and headband look gorgeous on you!
thank you so much for the kind words on my blog<3
Your hair makes me wish mine was that long again! I love your outfit, blue & black is one of my fav color combos :D
loves the scarf!
I would give up everything to re-live the 60's era!! Great look too sweets!
I love the scarf! The splash of blue is just lovely.
that scarf is goregous and you look so stunning! :)
great style! love that glasses and shirt/dress!
Wow, i love the scarf a lot. Lovely outfit as a whole.
do you exchange links? i added you to my blogroll. hope you can link me back. thanks :)
you look super cute and funny :D love that dress and scarf . never tried hippie look , but it looks great on you ! will try it some day probably . haha . have a nice day !
Ur dress si so cute !
Love your blog
just started, check it out ;**
Hey! Sorry its a late, but thanks so so so much for my lovely comment, it's so sweet of you. Oh and those pictures are awesome. I LOVE that romper.
Panda xxx
so cute! you are working that hippie look well!
ahhhhh...... i've been so busy with school and i finnnaaalllly get to come visit u again. misssssss uuuuu. hehehe. i always love your outfit posts. mine are all rubbish lol. oh by the way dearie, i'll be going to perth beginning next month for about a week. tell me if u want anything <3
add me on facebook if u want k. so we can communicate faster haha. my email is cozy_toad@hotmail. (yah lame i know)
Thanks for the comment girl! I will do a Q&A post very soon.
X, fashion-nerdic.
the 4th picture cool!
lovelovelovelovelove thiss!!
And the 60s are my favorite too, everything was just.. great! :)
i looooooooooove your blog, your style is so amazing...
would you please send me your
love the cardi!
i love the scarf! the little sheer parts of the dress is really cool. i love your sunglasses!
hippie glam i love it!
Youuu hippieeeee!! :)
What is Hari Raya? I have no idea!!! Well, it's good you shall be resting! Rest is definetly good! :)
i love your romper so much, especially the detailing on the sleeves :)
- jen
ooo, love the romper (and from saks?? AWESOME! what a great score).
and the sandals are cool too. i just got a couple of pairs of boots from gojane, and i was surprised because they were cheap and actually nice! yay! but i'm scared that i'm going to be buying a lot of shoes from them now...which is good and bad. you know what i mean. good because i get new SHOES, bad because it makes me poor.
ahhhh! i really should go on a shopping ban haha.
lucky you with your day off. this week is awful + busy. one of my professors is giving our class a hard time and it's not a fun class at all! and we have group presentations tomorrow. :( :( :( hope it goes well.
and i still haven't found the blue anna sui dress, but i will. eventually! :)
good luck with the mini race cars (sounds cute!).
p.s. no problem about the banner! i like doing that kinda stuff sometimes. were there any pictures/styles you wanted me to use? :D
I love your romper and hippie headband doll.
Aw thanks sweetie !
Hihi, well my ice cream only melted cause it was like superhot outside, and the cone broke ! haha..
loving this outfit- cool headband !! and always nice with a day off :D
love it! tres hippy-chic xx
Awww i love your romper and those white sandals you have on. You certainly look like you belong in the 60s!
I'm more into the 20's-40's, where all the classics are :)
Hi beautiful,
you're never stop being so sweet and kind, arent you? Thank you for the supportive words. Its friend like you who can make any problems gone away and life stays amazing :)
Your romper is so swell. And do you know that I never could wear any headband like yours? My hair will popped up like a bubble gum and that look terrible :( But you look awesome!
Take care there
this outfit is perfect boho
the headband is the best (Y)
and so cool that you have an older sister because whatever she owns you own like that beautiful scarf!
I wish to win this! :))
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