Leg warmers:vintage mom's hand me down
Floral flats:Dirty Pretty Things

One of my resolutions in year 2010 that I've just added to the list? To add each outfit with a splash of colors. So I dug up old leg warmers my mom had passed down to me. I've gotten them for so long that I missed out there was something so beautiful waiting to be worn out. Them with floral flats are just another way I wanted color today.
Talking about shoes,I feel that I'm so dumb in a way. I mean I used to dance ballet for 9 years but I've stopped for a few years now. So I've got my old ballet flats(few pairs in fact) and I didn't even wear them out as normal shoes at all. Taking them out tomorrow to wear them and maybe stud the black ones I have as well.
Some bloggers have mentioned that they would love to spend less this year on clothes and do more DIYs instead. Pretty good idea to follow,so I'm jumping on the wagon too. I want to do more DIYs of my own so as to start saving and yet still have new reconstructed clothes to add to my closet.
One blogger I really admire for her beautiful style and awesome DIYs is Sophia of Phosphene. Many of you must have heard of her. She is so so creative and good with her hands on diys and she makes such lovely pieces. You have got to check out her blog right now if you have been missing out.
Also,don't forget to join the Heel Candies-One for you,One for me competition! You still have time,dateline's until 20th January 2010. Stand to a pair of shoes from Valerie and Jonathan Aston tights from me!
Keep those Q&A questions coming in too~
Arrrrgh love your berret!! Love the color :))
here it goes: this outfit is super adorable! i love everything about it. it's so ME!
QUESTION: what inspired you to start a fashion blog?
are the clothing that you use in the pictures of your own buying or clothing stores supply you with them?
funny outfit honey
! Phosphene's such a great read, wowza, she's gorgeous in a unique way. And yes, stud your old ballet shoes! So cool that you were a ballerina, I took classes when I was 7? But I was the biggest cow in the class, towering over my peers, definitely not a pretty pink ballerina moment.
that dress is gorgeous and i love phosphene's blog. i despair of being capable of DIY though.
You always look adorable, and this outfit is no exception. I love the color of your beret and your outfit looks adorable with the knee highs and flats.
Happy New Year, hun!
adorable, the velvet dress + floral flats are lush!
you look stunning! i'm really loving your floral ballet flats and your moms old socks, they look interesting(in a good way) together. that last photo of you is fantastic.
funny you mention diy's cuz i'm actually working on a big one now. i've kept it pretty secret and i'm almost done. can't wait to show everybody. headed to check out sophia's blog now!
that velvet dress is gorgeous! I love DIY stuff!
I love the beret and the velvet dress is right on trend. You look so cute! I can't wait to see more DIYs from you =)
happy new year 2010 dear,,so sorry for the lately because my internet connection in bad before..
wew,,so great outfit,,love your shoes,,very cute dear..
and also love your shocks color too,,
check my blog too,, ^^
Such a cute beret and leg warmers, dearie! And you look like a doll in that dress!!
I really admire Phosphene's diy skills too, she makes the most absolutely beautiful creations:)
happy new year...great outfit...
link exchange?
come check out the first ever fashion blog from a guys POV, let He know what you think
Hello Girl!
So beautiful in socks and hat!
You look so great!
Happy New Year, even though I know you have a different calendar, right?
kisses and hugs,
wow :O perfect *___________*
omg Happy new year :D
the velvet dress is awesome!;D
I love that you have so much fun with fashion, mixing prints, textures, colors all in one outfit! It is so daring, yet so chic! Love your little shoes with the striped socks!
Aw, I love your hat. The color and the look.. it is just fab.. Actualy, the whole outfit is fab :D!!
loving the socks girl!!
I love this dress. So beautiful I am in love with velvet lately. I wish I owned this.
cute outfit!!
that velvet dress is so gorgeous on you! and i love that idea of wearing your actual ballet slippers as shoes :)
I love this dress!! My question..What are your favorite magazines? xo ava
That is such a good idea to do with your ballet slippers!! DIYs are something I definitely need to do too! i have a box with ideas, half done projects, etc, etc.. so that's my resloution too! do DIYs!
PS: great dress!!
Your velvet dress is divine! Gorgeous as always.
I didn't know about this blog. I'm jumping on the wagon with you.Thanks!
Love that dress!!
Thanks for your comment!!
that's a great idea to decorate your old ballet shoes. i mean, how cute would that be? :D
i also think it would be a good idea to spend less on clothes this year. eeek. especially since i barely have any pocket money left after the holidays (and the, uh, holiday shopping for myself! haha). more diy is a fantastic idea! :)
that's cool that you have leg warmers that used to belong to your mom! whenever i look at my mom's old pictures, i'm like "too bad you still don't have your old clothes, because i would LOVE to wear that!" boo. some of their stuff was so cute!
<3 lalalalove you!
Cute outfit... Love that velvet dress... Amazing how you always dare to mix all kind of fabrics, colours and patterns :) Always nice to visit your blog girl!!
velvet dress! ah! reminded me of the Chloe velvet overalls. nice outfit! very...blue!
Hey you! I'm finally getting back on track now that I have school again! :3 Love the posts! I definitely need to be more consistent like you! <3
this a wonderful outfit valencia ! everythings works together perfectly !
the hat . the velvet dress. and the socks . all wonderful !
and i notice u seem to be wearing those floral flats alot ! haha
I adore your outfit! And those socks rock.
What's your favorite decade in fashion? Also, choose one--don't cheat and say the 60s and the 70s. ;)
aaaw you look mad cute with those leg-warmers! the hat is nice as well! <3 love everything from head to toe. i wish i could do more DIYs too, as i'm more into shopping than doing stuff myself! =/
I LOVE the beret! It's darling with the socks and those flats are very cute, too :)
Those leg warmers are incredible! Mom/grandmother hand-me-downs are the best!
Thank you for the well wishes and kind words! You are so sweet! :)
You wear the hat & knee socks so well! I am jealous :(
Hello hun! Im finally back, now I have lots of time to catch up on all your posts! Luv ur splash of colour here!! Have a fabulous day xx
cute berret!
LOVE the dress, i'm following your blog for sure!
love velvet dress, its soo pretty! I love reading DIYs so look forward to them :) don't worry if your swaps a little late, it's snowed so much here I think the postal service is going to be a little wonky!
Visit Namber Juan online shop!!!
hope you enjoy it!!!!
Love the floral shoes.
That resolution really does and will spice up future pictures!
You look good in the beret! I can't pull off a beret look. ):
The dress is so pretty on you, love the knee high socks.
youre such a nice girl!
i love velvet, you wear it well!
oooh love the dress, velvet is amazing!
HOLY SHIT THAT DRESS! combined with those socks and the shoes! LOVE!
nice dress!
love the colour of the beret :)
heLLO dear. hope you had a great christmas/new year. you look so cute especially in the last snap! and i adore the outfit.
wish you all the best. take care.
p.s im back blogging :)
I love your DIY resolution:)
<3 beret, i've been obsessed with them lately
love the beret and the color!
Amazinggg velvet dress dear!
Your socks and shoes are heaven Valencia Lia!
Lulu Letty
Adding colors to outfits is a great resolution to have :-) And I love this beautiful velvet dress!!!
hi dear, hope you had a great holiday! i like the idea of adding more color to your outfits..that's one of mine too :)
look good in the beret! I can't pull off a beret look.
beyonce video
I adore that velvet dress! I've been coveting one for such a long time now. And you have a great new years resolution. I'm sure it will make for many wonderful outfit posts in the future.
Cutest socks ever!
knee highs!!! ahh i have to do that too!!! oooo i have questions for you!
-do your friends ever wonder why you like fashion so much? what are their reactions to your interest in fashion??
-how many shoes do you own?
-how big is your closet? maybe you could show us a quick snapshot!
you use in the pictures of your own buying or clothing stores supply you with them?
agua bendita
LOVE those flats! Excited to see your DIY ballet flats, too. I just checked out Phosphene and am getting crazy DIY ideas that I bet I would never finish, but thanks for the recommendation!
this is why Asians are some of the best dressed people in the whole world. Honestly.
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