Shoes:can't remember
Tote bag:Christopher Kane for Topshop

Sorry for the blog posts being delayed this week. Something has been wrong with the laptop so photos always are not able to load up. But I guess the problem is fixed for now.
Had such such a lovely day today. I went to watch Avatar 3D at midnight with my love and wow!! the movie is really SOOO GOOD! I really enjoyed it so much and surely worth the watch. It had such a meaningful story behind the whole show too.
I only managed 2 hours of sleep when I got home and I totally overslept to send my friend off back to UK for her studies. So sorry Joanne,don't get mad at me! :)
My love and I headed down to the Singapore's 2nd tattoo convention as well. The vendors that came down this time doubled compared to last year. So many people were getting tattooed and such beautiful works of art all around the place. It will be something we would want to do to next year. Getting tattooed at the convention would be a great experience.
Lastly,got my tin of Chai tea bags at Coffee Bean. I really can't wait to brew a cup,I heard its really nice.
Back to comments and blogs tomorrow,I'm so lack of sleep now its bed time.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend~
Are your shoes from topshop? They look just like mine! Think of me when you drink the chai! :-)
love your jacket!
the red jacket is love! so fab! how i wish spore has H&M too!! you rock with this outfit, simple but catchy <3 is the tatto convention the one at expo?
Hey there! Great inspiring blog you've got. Just wanna ask, how do you go about ordering stuff from ebay? Cause ive seen some really great stuff there, but i don't know how to start ordering. Pls enlighten me!
Love your outfit, and i love tattoo conventions :)
My boyfriend keeps wanting to go see avatar but im too scared! But...maybe since you said it was good I'll go.. haha I love your outfit! Red looks so nice on you
!! the guy with the Lion on his back looks intense!
I'd love a tattoo, but maybe not as major of some of the ones you've presented! We didn't get to see the Christopher Kane tote bag! I was like where where? But the jackets wonderful though. I've been trying to avoid that Avatar movie, the advert somehow makes my skin crawl, with all the blue skin and weird cat like eyes.
I love your shoes and brightly colored blazer. The bright colors work so well with your gorgeous dark hair Valencia! xoxo
Love the red jacket looks great with ur hair color....
lvoe the tattoo art too
I looooooooove the exhibition ! Amazing ! And your blazer is soooo gorgeous !
wow! that jacket/blazer is fantastic. i know, avatar is AMAZING and so detailed and must of took so much effort to create that animation from nothing but imagination. its GENIUS!
sophie xx
Awesome tattoo girl! Love it and love your red jacket, too!
lol at first i was like DUDE is that that girls THONG??? but then i realised what it was...duh! hahahaha
Hy!The pictures look amazing! People were really getting art on their bodies!
Good luck finding your new tattoo!
Have a fun day (or good sleep)!
So pretty and perfects pics!Muaksss
that flash of red? unbelievable
you look amazing
and i love these tattoo pics
i love your jacket and how it adds color to your outfit! and that tattoo convention looks awesome, especially the guy with the lion on his back.
oh! and isn't avatar such a beautiful movie? i loved it as well :)
heyyyyy nice :)
i like your ouftit,.
Great pics!!
Amazing tattos!
Awesome pics - I love tattoos and have contemplated getting another one, but I never know what I would get.
oooooooooohhh girl!!! I've been gone commenting for waaay too long!! I'm so so sorry! missed you and your nice posts a lot yo! now I'm kinda back, still busy busy but now trying to maintain my social contacts haha... you looked gorgeous over the past few weeks girl, and I am so curious of your own tattoo!! have you gotten it yet? the other tattoos look so great, but I think it might be better to stick to your original plan of the french sentence (not the lion covering your entire back haha) I am FINALLY going to send out your package next week! I am so curious of what you'll think of all the items.. well gotta go, need to update a lot lot lot! it's good to be back.. haha.
thats such a cool convention! ah!
lovelove, M.
Luv ur jacket soo much!! Luved Avatar too!! Enjoy the rest of ur weekend! xx
I want to see Avatar in 3D so bad!
You look adorable, as usual.
That is so freaking amazing! I want a tatoo, but I'm not sure what I want yet.
I'm so jelous about your Christopher kane bag, really jelous :, and that jacket looks so good.
Kisses dear!
wow.. those are some amazing tatoos!
that sounds like a lot of fun the convention!
have a good weekend hun!
your red jacket,,,love it too much!!
Wow, some tatoos are amazing!!
I haven't had any problems with your pictures not loading.
wow those tattoos look INSANE. i'm too terrified to even get a tiny one! the convention sounds awesome and i love chai tea (mmmm...). awesome red jacket!
i am in awe of those amazing tattoos! and that stamp, i want that stamp!
OMG! the tattoo convention is rad. why didnt u get a new tattoo?=) and your outit is awesome as usual.
i diggs!
sounds like u had so much fun! and i love ur red jacket :)
wow I can't imagine what it sounded like at the convention! bbzzzz-ing all over! great photos :]
Love your expression in the first photo. :)
You look so great! Lovely jacket <3
Love your red blazer. The tatto convention looks like funn, I like the leg tattoos, it looks amazing.
Love the new banner :)
Avatar is an amazing film, I can't wait for the second.
woah such crazy tattoos, makes me want to get tatted up!
ive been such a bad blogger lately since my trip!
i love this blog post tho.. all the tattoos. so neat
isnt avatar in 3d amazing? it made me HATE people tho.. hahahaha
i wish i was a Na'vi
Cute shoes :)
lovely outfit as usual valencia . your pictures are starting to load quite hard at the moment . i think its bcos of tinypic . its VERY slow . i've switched to flickr and i've gotten good feedbacks from my readers :D
anyway, i've never been to a tattoo convention.. but id love to go there.. inking the body seems like a great thing to watch..
thanks for the comment you wrote on my blog .
keep posting more inspirations !
much love from .
glisters and blisters .RS
LOVE the red jacket!!! it's so pretty (the color looks really good on you!).
a tattoo convention? how cool! never been to one before. are you thinking about getting another tattoo sometime?
sorry about your laptop. that sucks :( hopefully it gets fixed/better or you can save up for a nice new one like your friend suggested!
That red jacket is super!
you look awesome ;))
i like your jacket !
I thought Avatar was freaking awesome! You honestly look great in red! You should wear more often!! Truly stands out!
VAL, thank you for help me!!!! thank you so much!!!
chai tea+ avatar, sounds like you had some great times!
Yes, I loved Avatar too!
Thanks for sharing these tattoo convention pics. Looks awesome. How's your new ink? I'm still going back and forth between getting my first tat on the side of my rib cage or hip. Know the pain level on the hip?
Hope you're well!
xo, Becs
wahh those tatoos are amazing, yours too ;)
those are some kick-ass tattoos!
I thought I was so going to dislike Avatar, but I totally fell in love with it!!!
Such a cool convention, but I'm afraid it would make me feel faint all those needles everywhere.
Lulu Letty
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