Faux fur jacket:years ago from Hong Kong
Inner bodysuit:American Apparel
Skirt and Shoes:Topshop
Accessories:Thanks to Yuka:)

My day didn't start right this morning.My mom was chatting away on the phone in the room at 4am!! Oh gosh,and it got me up for an hour. So when I finally fell asleep,I woke up late by 40mins! Had to take a cab down to work in the end. But its alright,at least I bought proper breakfast for once.
The craze with the faux leopard or faux fur coat is still on. And I was on the search for my own perfect one.Knew I had one when I was much younger,but I didn't think I'll be able to fit back into it. Surprisingly,I dug it up today and wore it. Even though the sleeves has gone shorter,I can still wear it. So happy,though I will most like go get another one.
And another happy thing is that,I've receive 2 packages today.Bought them awhile back last month and they've arrived. One is stuck at the post office because no one was home.
But I've gotten my 2 sets of knit knotted rosaries.Just like the ones Rumi from FashionToast and Lulu from Luluandyourmom have.
Thanks so much to Yuka for getting them for me. Thanks again girl,you're so sweet!
I'm wearing the red set of bracelet and the necklace. I have the set in black too.
As of today,December 1st is World Aids Day. And I'm wearing my red necklace and bracelet in honor of it. I feel its good to be aware of it and to learn more about it as well.Its not to be a taboo subject anymore.It does matter.
Lastly,thanks to the blog awards that I've gotten here. Sorry for always been so behind this.

Thanks so much to Mango for awarding me with this award. I pass this on to Annie of Annie Spandex and Big Daddy.

Thanks so much to Tink in my Closet for 'The Haute Mess Award'.Its my 2nd time receiving this:)
I pass this on to Nubiasnonsense and Fashion Snag.
The craze with the faux leopard or faux fur coat is still on. And I was on the search for my own perfect one.Knew I had one when I was much younger,but I didn't think I'll be able to fit back into it. Surprisingly,I dug it up today and wore it. Even though the sleeves has gone shorter,I can still wear it. So happy,though I will most like go get another one.
And another happy thing is that,I've receive 2 packages today.Bought them awhile back last month and they've arrived. One is stuck at the post office because no one was home.
But I've gotten my 2 sets of knit knotted rosaries.Just like the ones Rumi from FashionToast and Lulu from Luluandyourmom have.
Thanks so much to Yuka for getting them for me. Thanks again girl,you're so sweet!
I'm wearing the red set of bracelet and the necklace. I have the set in black too.
As of today,December 1st is World Aids Day. And I'm wearing my red necklace and bracelet in honor of it. I feel its good to be aware of it and to learn more about it as well.Its not to be a taboo subject anymore.It does matter.
Lastly,thanks to the blog awards that I've gotten here. Sorry for always been so behind this.

Thanks so much to Mango for awarding me with this award. I pass this on to Annie of Annie Spandex and Big Daddy.

Thanks so much to Tink in my Closet for 'The Haute Mess Award'.Its my 2nd time receiving this:)
I pass this on to Nubiasnonsense and Fashion Snag.
Hi there! The jacket still suits you... and it's fabulous. I saw that necklace from Rumi too, glad you got yours.
What's with the post title? Hahaha!
that's one awesome jacket ! glad you can still fit in that :P
and i love ur red world aids day accents too !
sorry that you didnt have a nice morning . i had to wake up in shock too when my maid accidentally banged the door -__-"..
my mom does that 'loud talks' in the morning as well .. well actually turns the TV on VERY LOUD more often than talk on the phone.. and my other dog who sleeps with my mom also likes to bang on my door which make me up!
god . now im rambling on ur blog comments . haha..
anyway . ttyl :D
love the outfit. it's so me! and i haven't started it yet, you'll be the first to know though :)
Love your outfit! The floral skirt is too cute! You are tiny so I am not surprised you could still fit into older clothing from when you were younger. I love the red bracelet. I have a similar one! Thanks for the award Valencia!
Cute shoes!
woooonderfull darling :-) favolous outfit!!! love the fur :-) gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous dear!!! :-) love youuuuuuuuu
love this look on you! that skirt is so pretty!!! :)
That's a lovely jacket, love it!
What a great jacket, darlin! I definitely wanna find a leopard print one after seeing so many fantastic bloggers wearing them! And oh, receiving parcels are so exciting! Love your necklaces, wanna see the black ones too!!
Oh, whose your mom talking to so early in the morning lol? Hope you have a good night sleep today, sweet dreams darling:)
your skirt is sooo pretty <3
the dress looks so cute on you!
love the flowery skirt!! it fits on youu and your outfit is great as always :)
not really a fan of fur but i love your floral skirt and the knotted rosaries!
I think that floral skirt is really pretty, and I really understand your obsession with faux fur! I recently found one in a charity shop in the style thta rich old ladieswear. Whenever you're feeling a bit miserable, a bit of faux fur can help! hehe.
Congratulations on the blog awards too.
Thanks for the comment. I dont do my own photos, its usually my dad or a friend.
LOVE your hair in the 3rd pic! :)
Congratulations on the awards, darling!
Just have to say, loving the way you paired the faux fur with the floral skirt. I never would have thought to put the two together, but the result is fabulous. As always, you look amazing! :)
Darling! Your outfit is perfect :) I love that faux fur jacket and that skirt. They make a good couple ;)
And noooooo....I didn't already manage to find that OPI nail colour :( But I noticed that it's very difficult to find that label in german stores. I think I'll have to try it online.
Many kisses for my beautiful asian girl :****
lovelovelove the outfit! :)
you wear it well girl. the jacket and the rosaries. <3
You look great! &congrats on the awards!!!
PS: The second girl for your tee is online at continued!
I know what your talking about I'm still looking for one =]
yo ulook great as always and I love the skirt alot! wish I can wear skirts like the =]
You're so lucky that you can still fit in something from when you were younger. It looks really good and couldn't tell until you pointed out the sleeves were short.
Love the skirt, the floral print is really pretty.
love your floral skirt lady!! Don't you love when childhood stuff still fits when you get older?! I actually have a similar jacket that I got when I was like 8 and it still fits, wierd! haha! congrats on the rosary too, it totally fits your style :)
The title is great! haha
Love that skirt and those shoes on you - such a rock chic type look you look great! I love those little pieces of jewellery too.
Well done on your awards - you deserve them you cool thing!
Polly x
The phrase of the day really made me giggle!
Very nice sweater! Looks very soft and comfy and congratz on your awards!
Top Shop definitely has perfect heels!!love!!;))
amazing skirt! I love the shape and pettern!
Love the florals, beautiful colours! I love it when you can recycle your wardrobe like that, the fur looks great. Congrats on the blog awards...you are amazing and totally deserve them. Hope you caught up on your sleep!
Lady, you have no fear when it comes to dressing up, I salute you! Wild jacket, but you look great :]
Love your skirt!
ur jacket is soo cool, i'm in love with it!! :)
well.,.awesome skirt,fab heels and i complete love ur adorable jacket <3333
i love love love the floral, faux fur and everything else, ;-), xx
really great jacket! and congratulations on all the awards!
gorggg jacket
your post title made me laugh :)
and unfortch i got no pix at the gaga concert they all came out awful!
I massively adore the gorgeous rose print on your skirt. Roses are my favourite flowers on earth and I'm forever on the hunt for floral print pieces featuring them to weave into my wardrobe, too.
Thank you very much for recently entering my giveaway for a beautiful set of Jessie Willcox Smith art prints. The lucky winner is going to drawn at random and announced on Chronically Vintage later today. I really appreciate your support of this giveaway and wish you the best of luck!
Have a splendid Tuesday, honey!
♥ Jessica
I'm totally into that jacket. I'm not so sure about the whole oversized faux fur vest thing, but that sweetly shaped jacket I can do!
i love the pattern on the skirt! great post, congrats on the award too!
Congratulations on your awards Valencia Lia!!
I so love that jacket with the floral skirt. Such a cool combination.
LOL, love your title.
That faux fur jacket is so cool! And congrats on your award my dear!!
i love your skirt!
and congrats on your award. :)
That skirt is so amazing!!
Congrats for the awards.
Thank you so much for your comment!!!
so envious of that jacket! but omg, how did you get through the day in singapore like that?
that jacket is sooo gorgeous
Wow I haven't seen these rad rosaries before.. They are so intricate and yet so subtle! I love rosary beads and this is a fresh take on them!!
re: You'll be the first to know :)
That skirt!!
Love your skirt.
Congrats for the awards :-)
Cheers: Evi
Lovely look ! =)
Great, great!!! skirt:) And love your hair too
The detailing on the coat is interesting. I love that color.
Awwww the floral skirt is gorgeous and lovely!!!! It looks very nice on you! :) I've looking for some floral items but I've never encountered one that can move me to take it home... Maybe I just lack the courage to wear too colourful stuff on my body! hahah~
And I just can't not compliment you on your last post! The white top and denim skirt went incredibly good! I've never thought of combining these two tgt~ thumbs up to you! :)
Great outfit! Love the fur coat. It's so exciting to dig sometihng out of your closet and realise you can still wear it! :)
it's always nice to see people wearing things from Hong Kong ^_^
ha. i am so jealous of that there are topshop and american apparel in singapore,
i want to visit to singapore after the exam actually, but my mom said "no, lets go to taiwan."
-________- i wonder if theres any topshop or forever 21 there....
Love the necklace and bracelet, so perfect. I prefer the bracelet....love the fact you can wrap it around your wrists.
And your hair....still in serious lust! Haha.
Yeeeaaahhh its good that u're a great listener :)
I'm actually quite a gud listener too..bt don't count on me if I'm nt fully concentrating . (Eg like wen I'm doin work/blogging . Hahahhah)
My brain doesn't multi task very well :(
Can u multi taskk ?
Oh I've gt my blog giveaway up now ! Hope u'll check it out and enter .
I love everything that you put together for your outfit [:
Goes together really well; and i LOVE the faux fur on you.
You're also an extremely pretty girl!
&& You should always eat a proper breakfast! haha
wew,,your flower skirt is sooo lovely and fabolous,,like it!! :)
just visit my blog and follow it if you like,, :)
Gorgeous skirt!
yeah girl! i adore fur!
Love this outfit !
newpost :)
awesome outfit! love your skirt x
Great knotted rosaries, and your skirt is fab!
Really enjoying your blog :)
Passing on the Beautiful Blogger Award to you!
Awww thanks so much for passing it on lol tink pased it to me also. I'm def shouting both of you girls out on the next post=)
lovely jacket sweets
Gotta love this outfit!! Your jacket and flowered skirt are just fabolous :) .. Always love to see your outfits girl!!
hi dear. cute outfit. i hope youre having a great week. love your haircut btw.xx ediot
LOVE your outfit
hey congrats on the awards! fur is so awesome....
Absolutely love your outfit. x
i really like your outfit *.*
Love the outfit, especially that skirt. Great blog, great look!
Love & Aloha.
Thank you for visiting my blog... Yes, we did take our pup to the Dog Salon to get her ears colored. they use a special dye from Japan.. she actually had her ears a bright pink for our wedding this past March. It was lovely :)
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